Solutions are from kloudkl/stanford_dl_ex-solutions,
1.1 cnnTrain.m
CNN training main,
function cnnTrain(options) %% Convolution Neural Network Exercise % Instructions % ------------ % % This file contains code that helps you get started in building a single. % layer convolutional nerual network. In this exercise, you will only % need to modify cnnCost.m and cnnminFuncSGD.m. You will not need to % modify this file. %%====================================================================== %% STEP 0: Initialize Parameters and Load Data % Here we initialize some parameters used for the exercise. // Load default parameter if no parameter is passed??? if nargin < 1 learning_rate_schedule = 'half_per_epoch'; end USE_GPU = 0; dataset = 'mnist'; dataset = 'svhn'; % Configuration imageDim = 28; numClasses = 10; % Number of classes (MNIST images fall into 10 classes) // what is filter size ??? filterDim = 9; % Filter size for conv layer // why do we need number of filters??? numFilters = 20; % Number of filters for conv layer // what is the definition of pooling dimension??? poolDim = 2; % Pooling dimension, (should divide imageDim-filterDim+1) %% Load images and labels switch dataset case 'mnist' % Load MNIST Train addpath ../common/; images = loadMNISTImages('../common/train-images-idx3-ubyte'); images = reshape(images,imageDim,imageDim,[]); labels = loadMNISTLabels('../common/train-labels-idx1-ubyte'); labels(labels==0) = 10; % Remap 0 to 10 % mean normalization // for MNIST, image is 28*28*6000, data_mean is 28*28 data_mean = mean(images, 3); // for MNIST, data_std is 28 * 28 data_std = std(images, 0, 3); // preparing for bsxfun() ??? data_std(data_std == 0) = 1; // subtract image with data mean images = bsxfun(@minus, images, data_mean); case 'svhn' % Load SVHN Train load('../common/svhh_train_32_32_zeromean_mergeChannel'); imageDim = 32; end % Sampling the data numImages = size(images, 3); % numImages = 60000; % numImages = 10000; // 1:min(numImages, end) index through smaller of numImages and end ??? images = images(:, :, 1:min(numImages, end)); labels = labels(1:min(numImages, end), :); % Initialize Parameters // init parameters for cnn theta = cnnInitParams(imageDim,filterDim,numFilters,poolDim,numClasses); % % Transfer to GPU if USE_GPU device = gpuDevice(1); device.reset(); images = gpuArray(images); labels = gpuArray(labels); theta = gpuArray(theta); end %%====================================================================== %% STEP 1: Implement convNet Objective % Implement the function cnnCost.m. %%====================================================================== %% STEP 2: Gradient Check % Use the file computeNumericalGradient.m to check the gradient % calculation for your cnnCost.m function. You may need to add the % appropriate path or copy the file to this directory. DEBUG = false; % set this to true to check gradient % DEBUG = true; if DEBUG % To speed up gradient checking, we will use a reduced network and % a debugging data set db_numFilters = 2; db_filterDim = 9; switch dataset case 'mnist' db_poolDim = 5; case 'svhn' db_poolDim = 6; end numDebugImages = 11; % better to be different from the numClasses db_images = images(:,:,1:numDebugImages); db_labels = labels(1:numDebugImages); db_theta = cnnInitParams(imageDim,db_filterDim,db_numFilters,... db_poolDim,numClasses); [cost grad] = cnnCost(db_theta,db_images,db_labels,numClasses,... db_filterDim,db_numFilters,db_poolDim); % Check gradients numGrad = computeNumericalGradient( @(x) cnnCost(x,db_images,... db_labels,numClasses,db_filterDim,... db_numFilters,db_poolDim), db_theta); % Use this to visually compare the gradients side by side num = numel(grad); for n = 1:num ratio = abs(grad(n) - numGrad(n)) / (abs(grad(n)) + 1e-6); if ratio > 1e-4 fprintf('%d %10f %10f %10f\n', n, grad(n), numGrad(n), ratio); end end % Should be small. In our implementation, these values are usually % less than 1e-9. diff = norm(numGrad-grad)/norm(numGrad+grad) assert(diff < 1e-9,... 'Difference too large. Check your gradient computation again'); return; end %%====================================================================== %% STEP 4: Test % Test the performance of the trained model using the MNIST test set. Your % accuracy should be above 97% after 3 epochs of training switch dataset case 'mnist' % Load mnist test testImages = loadMNISTImages('../common/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte'); testImages = reshape(testImages,imageDim,imageDim,[]); testLabels = loadMNISTLabels('../common/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte'); testLabels(testLabels==0) = 10; % Remap 0 to 10 testImages = bsxfun(@minus, testImages, data_mean); case 'svhn' % % Load SVHN test test = load('../common/svhh_test_32_32_zeromean_mergeChannel'); testImages = test.images; testLabels = test.labels; end % % Transfer to GPU if USE_GPU testImages = gpuArray(testImages); testLabels = gpuArray(testLabels); end %% STEP 3: Learn Parameters % Implement minFuncSGD.m, then train the model. options.epochs = 3; options.minibatch = 256; options.alpha = 1e-1; options.momentum = .95; opttheta = minFuncSGD(@(x,y,z) cnnCost(x, y, z, numClasses, filterDim, ... numFilters, poolDim), theta, images, labels, options, testImages, ... testLabels, numClasses, filterDim, numFilters, poolDim); %%====================================================================== %% STEP 4: Test % [~, cost, preds]=cnnCost(opttheta, testImages, testLabels, numClasses, ... % filterDim, numFilters, poolDim, true); % % acc = 100 * sum(preds==testLabels) / length(preds); % % % Accuracy should be around 97.4% after 3 epochs % fprintf('Accuracy is %f\n',acc);2. cnnInitParams
function theta = cnnInitParams(imageDim,filterDim,numFilters,... poolDim,numClasses) % Initialize parameters for a single layer convolutional neural % network followed by a softmax layer. % % Parameters: % imageDim - height/width of image % filterDim - dimension of convolutional filter % numFilters - number of convolutional filters % poolDim - dimension of pooling area % numClasses - number of classes to predict % % % Returns: % theta - unrolled parameter vector with initialized weights %% Initialize parameters randomly based on layer sizes. assert(filterDim < imageDim,'filterDim must be less that imageDim'); // imageDim = 28, filterDim = 9, the outDim is the dimension of the filter square (map), in this case, 20 x 20 = 400 filters. outDim = imageDim - filterDim + 1; % dimension of convolved image % assume outDim is multiple of poolDim // if this is asserted, it means this is no overlapping between pooling? assert(mod(outDim, poolDim)==0,... 'poolDim must divide imageDim - filterDim + 1'); // number of filters is the size of different filters that applied on a image. Each filter perform different filtering function. Wc = 1e-1*randn(filterDim,filterDim,numFilters); // from filter layer to pooling layer. outDim = outDim/poolDim; hiddenSize = outDim^2*numFilters; % we'll choose weights uniformly from the interval [-r, r] r = sqrt(6) / sqrt(numClasses+hiddenSize+1); Wd = rand(numClasses, hiddenSize) * 2 * r - r; bc = zeros(numFilters, 1); bd = zeros(numClasses, 1); % Convert weights and bias gradients to the vector form. % This step will "unroll" (flatten and concatenate together) all % your parameters into a vector, which can then be used with minFunc. theta = [Wc(:) ; Wd(:) ; bc(:) ; bd(:)]; end
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